Beb Serling is a marketing genius. And today he sent out this provocative piece to his list. Check it out - I know I am . . .
Maybe you've already heard about this, but this is
going live tomorrow and you should definitely know
about it.
My friend, Mike Long and his Area 51 Marketing crew
have been turning the Internet upside down in a search
for the world's greatest expert at getting fr*e visitors
over to your site.
So they did a massive search starting with an ASK
campaign that gave them thousands of leads to check
Here's the cool part of what they discovered. For
some reason, in most marketing areas, the reigning
experts seem to be men.
But after exhaustive research, what Mike and his team
realized is that the world's greatest expert when it comes
to free search is actually a WOMAN from Nebraska,
Nancy Andrews, who's getting over 100,000 visitors to her
site FR*E every month in the highly competitive golf niche.
Let's pause a second. If you didn't quite get that, she's
getting over 100,000 visitors per month to her site!
And this is all with fr*e or natural search - no paid
clicks at all.
Now Mike has put up some videos showing exactly how
Nancy accomplishes this:
Nancy's also got tons of clients who are also crushing it when
it comes to competing and winning in big niches -
humiliating the "big boys" and getting all of the traffic.
Check out these 7 videos - all Fr*e
Mike convinced Nancy to create not just one video, but a
series of 7 videos that show you exactly how she gets such
exceptional results. You don't even have to sign up to watch
the videos, because Mike isn't selling anything right now.
Check them out at:
I do know that Mike is going to start offering a limited set
of SEO blueprints that Nance created tomorrow. Again,
you won't be pressured into buying anything, but if you
want to get an insider's view of how to master natural
or fr*e search (as opposed to expensive PPC campaigns),
check out these videos before everything goes live
Bob Serling